#1 Best Lead Extractor

Find Top Professionals Leads all over the world

Discover the most reliable and top-rated professionals across various industries. Our platform connects you with experts in your area, ensuring you get the best leads available.

Deep SearchBeta
This is a beta feature and can be unstable but does very deep research to find data.

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Dentists in Manchester

Discover the best dentists in Manchester for your dental care.



Retail sellers in New York

Explore local retail sellers in New York offering a variety of products.



Wholesalers in Los Angeles

Connect with wholesalers in Los Angeles for bulk purchases.



Schools in Chicago

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Why Choose Us

Our lead generation tool offers powerful features to streamline your prospecting process and boost your sales pipeline

green tick
Comprehensive Database
Access a vast database of professionals across all industries in Samaria.
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Advanced Filters
Easily find the exact professionals you need with our advanced filtering options.
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User-Friendly Interface
Enjoy a seamless and intuitive experience designed for efficiency.
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Accurate Information
Get up-to-date and reliable contact information for all professionals.

Pricing Plans

Choose the perfect plan to supercharge your lead generation efforts and grow your business


Wall of Love

See what our satisfied customers have to say about how our lead generation tool has transformed their businesses and boosted their sales

Sales Associate

Extractopus has revolutionized our lead generation process. Its powerful AI algorithms and user-friendly interface have saved us countless hours and significantly improved the quality of our leads.

Extractopus 06/15/2023
Building StonkVille

Extractopus has been a game-changer for StonkVille. Its AI-powered lead generation capabilities have helped us identify and connect with our target audience more effectively. The time and resources we have saved are invaluable.

Extractopus 07/19/2023

Get in Touch with Us

Have questions about our lead generation tool? We are here to help! Reach out to us for personalized assistance and learn how we can boost your sales pipeline.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our lead generation tool and how it can help grow your business

What is Extractopus?

Extractopus is a powerful and efficient lead extraction tool designed to help businesses gather valuable contact information from various online sources. It automates the process of identifying and collecting potential customer data, saving time and improving lead generation efforts.

What are the key features of Extractopus?

The key features of Extractopus include automated web scraping, customizable search parameters, data validation and cleaning, integration with CRM systems, export options in multiple formats, and compliance with data protection regulations. These features enable users to efficiently extract and manage high-quality leads.

How does Extractopus differ from other lead generation tools?

Extractopus stands out for its advanced AI-powered extraction algorithms, which provide more accurate and relevant results. It offers a user-friendly interface, faster processing speeds, and the ability to extract leads from a wider range of sources, including social media platforms, business directories, and industry-specific databases.

Is Extractopus suitable for small businesses?

Yes, Extractopus is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes. It offers scalable plans that can accommodate the needs of small startups to large enterprises. The tool's intuitive interface and automated features make it accessible for small business owners who may not have extensive technical expertise.

How does Extractopus ensure data accuracy and compliance?

Extractopus employs advanced data validation techniques to ensure the accuracy of extracted information. It also includes built-in compliance features that adhere to data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA. The tool regularly updates its algorithms to maintain high standards of data quality and legal compliance.

Does Extractopus provide refunds?

Yes, Extractopus offers a refund policy. We provide a 7-day money-back guarantee for all new subscriptions if you have not used more than 15% of your plan limits. If you're not satisfied with our service within the first 7 days, you can request a full refund. For more details on our refund policy, please refer to our Terms of Service or contact our customer support team.